Triads of Business Relationships
Quite often I am asked by clients; “How do I balance doing good things for my employees and not being taken advantage of?
I remind them of one of our conversations we had when they first brought me on board. I called it the Triad of Business Relationships. It is applicable in personal relationships as well. The 3 components are;
· Respect
· Trust
· Generosity
Respect is given freely.
Trust is earned. Thru character and competency.
Generosity is tempered by trust.
A new employee has been hired. The vetting process has been completed and they are now a new member of the team. The expectations are set. They are welcomed by some while others hold back. It’s normal, its human but it is also right to offer and freely give them the respect due any person. Being respectful has no cost but is priceless to the receiver.
The new employee is now on the spot to earn the trust of colleagues. This involves being a person of integrity, better said of good character coupled with an obvious demonstration of competency. The ability to do the job, do it right with a commitment to get it right when things go wrong is easily recognizable.
Being generous is effortless with an employee that has earned the trust of colleagues and management. This includes opportunities, support, guidance, camaraderie, access to resources and yes even promotions.
When employees violate trust then it’s time for a reset. The reset can sometimes be as serious as termination but most of the time it is rebuilding that trust thru the right behaviors, being a person of integrity and demonstrating competency.
Exert from the upcoming book “ The Triads of Business “ by Juan D Ortega
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